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"Во FreeBSD добавлены утилиты для управления контроллерами LS..."
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. "Во FreeBSD добавлены утилиты для управления контроллерами LS..." +/
Сообщение от PereresusNeVlezaetBuggyemail (ok), 17-Авг-09, 17:56 
>> Да странно как-то. Фреймворк для сенсоров давно портировали
>А через неделю выкинули, потому что pile of crap. С чем я
>полностью согласен.

Портировать != закоммитить. ;) Кстати, чем оно _на_ваш_взгляд_ есть pile of crap (особенно по сравнению с тем, что имеет место быть в качестве альтернативы — например, SUID-бинарники с прямым доступом к шине ISA).

Для тех кто не в курсе - краткое описание событий с kerneltrap ( ):

Porting the Framework to FreeBSD

Constantine ported the drivers framework to FreeBSD as part of a Google Summer of Code project in 2007. During the project, he ported the sensors API and docs, and ported two drivers from OpenBSD (lm and it) and the coretemp FreeBSD driver. He also ported the sysctl, sensorsd and systat userland apps. Throughout the effort, he fixed many smaller bugs that he found in the process, as well as a 10-year old OpenBSD bug and a 12-year old FreeBSD bug.

The patch was completed on September 13th, 2007, but the FreeBSD HEAD branch was still frozen. On September 25th, Constantine received an unexpected email from Hasso Tepper saying that his patch would be merged into DragonFly BSD. It was committed to DragonFly BSD on October 2nd, less than a month after his patch had been completed.

The patch was finally merged into FreeBSD 8.0 -current by Alexander Leidinger on October 14th the same week that the RELENG_7 branch was created and the FreeBSD code freeze ended. However, it was backed out the next day on the request of Poul-Henning Kamp, who complimented the efforts of the SoC project but questioned whether the framework was needed in FreeBSD, and whether the code had a FreeBSD feel.

A lengthy discussion followed, with many people on both sides of the argument. Constantine explained that the framework may not be necessary in FreeBSD due to some "sysctl magic" introduced by Poul-Henning Kamp. In OpenBSD sysctl's are static and you can't create random sysctl nodes on the fly, whereas in FreeBSD you can. He added that there were also questions about whether all of this should be done in userland rather than in the kernel.

In the end, Constantine still felt like he gained quite a bit of experience with the drivers, and was glad to see the code make it into DragonFly BSD. _He_noted_that_the_patch_is_still_available_and_should_still_apply.

(выделенно мной — Pers)

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Во FreeBSD добавлены утилиты для управления контроллерами LS..., opennews, 17-Авг-09, 09:13  [смотреть все]
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